Thursday, August 29, 2013

People Are Annoying

If you are pregnant, or have been pregnant, I'm sure you can relate with this one. At some point during pregnancy, you go through a little phase of hating people. Unless you're like me, then the phase is your whole pregnancy. I'm not a people-hater when I'm not pregnant, but maybe it's just the hormones or maybe it's the fact that my ass is growing just as fast as my belly. 

Everyone you come across seems to have an opinion, expert advice, a question, a judging look or even a habit that will make you want to punch them square in their nose.

There are the people that seem to be the expert in YOUR pregnancy because their friend's sister's cousin was pregnant 12 years ago. They constantly tell you what you should and should not do, what not to eat, how to raise your kid, and how to diagnose your every issue. They will also be able to tell you the sex of your baby and the due date. Makes me wonder what I am paying a doctor for when I have all these free experts around? Also, the people that tell me that I shouldn't be drinking caffeine at all can shove it. I am allowed my 250 mg of caffiene a day and to the next person who gives me a dirty look for ordering a skinny latte- I won't be hesitant to poke your eyes out with the stir stick. Unless I have a bottle of Smirnoff in my hand, huffing a cigarette, or am snorting a line then keep your expertise to yourself. 

There are the people that want to make rude comments because they think it's funny or they are just jerks. "Are you sure there isn't two in there?" "Wow. You're huge!" "Time for the stretchy pants, eh?" "Your hips are really starting to widen." "Wow, you already popped!" No Sir, I'm actually only 9 weeks pregnant and have to poop. Comments and questions like that don't even upset me. They just make me hate your face. It amazes me that people have the nerve to say these things. Is it suppose to make me feel good? 

There are the people that want to ask you every personal detail even though they just met you 5 minutes ago. "How much do you weigh?" "How much did you weigh before?" "Do you plan to breastfeed?" "How long do you plan to breastfeed?" Or my absolute favorite "Was it planned?" No, I tripped and fell on a penis. Why would anyone think that is any of their business, especially if I barely know you?
Then, there are the people that stare. You have the guys that stare at your huge rack and massive cleavage that isn't even yours anymore, the people that stare with the confused look on their face saying "Is she pregnant or fat?" and the women who stare at your belly and slowly make their way towards you just to rub it like a magic genie is going to pop out. I have made the mistake of asking a women if she was pregnant once, turns out she wasn't and I felt like an ass. Lesson one, don't ask. Lesson two, don't stare at their belly with a confused look on your face because it is pretty obvious what you are thinking. 

The worst part of this is that I am only 21 weeks... That means I have to deal with this for 19 more. I'm sure I haven't even heard the half of it. So if you are reading this and are one of those people, think before you say anything to a pregnant woman. She is most likely raging with hormones and feels like she is starved to death. Instead, make yourself useful and bring her an iced chocolate milk and some chili fries :)

Monday, August 26, 2013

21 Weeks: A/S Results


A week ago, we went in for our 20 week anatomy scan and finally got the results on Friday. I never knew how many complications or things that could go wrong during a pregnancy until now. Not that I have a lot of things going wrong.. you just never think about it before getting pregnant. Let me tell you something, when your doctor tells you when there is an issue in your pregnancy, ask them a lot of questions and DO NOT google it. You will only scare the sh*t out of yourself (I know I did).

The good news: Baby Kratt's heart is very strong and regular. He/She has all their limbs, fingers, both kidneys, 4 chambers of the heart, extremely low chance of Down Syndrome and Spina Bifada, and is growing appropriately. We couldn't be more happy about all of that!

The not-so-good-news: The tech was unable to see the umbilical cord clearly, the amniotic fluid is lower than what the doctor likes, and I have Partial Placenta Previa. The doctor said there could be many reasons to why the amniotic fluid is low and we are just going to have to keep an eye on it. Partial Placenta Previa is when your placenta is lying unusually low in your uterus and is covering part of your cervix. Since I am only 21 weeks, it isn't too big of an issue. In most cases, it will correct itself and "migrate " upwards and out of the way. If it doesn't, then that's a problem. So, the upside to all of this is that we get to see our baby again in 4 weeks to see if anything has changed!

One other things that was able to be seen at our scan is the sex of the baby!! We didn't want to find out in the ultrasound room, so we had our tech seal it in an envelope. We immediately dropped that envelope off at The Union General in Clarkston to make us some gender reveal cupcakes for our closest family and friends. We cannot wait to find out the sex with everyone for Derrick's birthday this Friday! It's driving me crazy!

Even though my pregnancy isn't going as perfectly as I thought/hoped it would, I am still happy and thankful for the perfectly healthy baby in my belly! Stressing and worrying about things that aren't going the way I want is pointless, especially when it is completely out of my hands. Now, I'm off to relax, kick my feet up, and enjoy these precious little kicks :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Halfway There :)

20 weeks (as of Monday) & time is starting to fly!
I am really starting to enjoy my pregnancy so much that I haven't had time to blog, haha. But seriously, I am loving being pregnant and have never felt so comfortable in my own skin :)
Let's start with the weekly bump shots we missed:

Belly is getting big and fast! Hopefully, starting on week 21, I will put my awesome chalk board to use and start doing my bump shots with that!

How far along? 20 weeks 3 days

Total weight gain/loss: like 8 pounds (I cannot stay off the scale!)
Maternity clothes? I've worn a maternity tank here and there just because it flatters my belly more, but my jeans and clothes still fit!! Except the bras.. I outgrew those a loonnnnggg time ago

Stretch marks? not yet and hopefully never! Keeping my belly oiled up!

Sleep: Sleeping much better than I use to that's for sure. I wake up once or twice a night, but I'm not complaining.

Best moment this week: Ahhh there's too many! These past few weeks have been awesome! Hectic, but awesome. But seeing our baby on Monday at our 20 week anatomy scan with my husband beats it all!
Movement: YES!! Makes me so excited! Little kicks and jabs. Nothing that hurts me but strong enough for my hubby to feel :)

Food cravings: Besides fruit, nothing other than what i usually eat, which I am very happy about.
Gender: No more waiting until birth!! We are finding out next Friday for Derrick's birthday!
Labor Signs: I think I still have a ways to go...
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but almost completely flat! It will be an outtie in no time.
Wedding rings on or off? On
What I miss: Beer... what I would give to have a Blue Moon!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex, shopping and working on the nursery more.
Weekly Wisdom: I might have to hold off on wearing the cute little shoes until after pregnancy is over. I don't know if blisters are worth a few hours of looking cute...... who am I kidding?!? I'm a girl, that's what we do :)
Milestones: Past the halfway point! and no longer feel like I'm in the fat, puffy stage.

Derrick is convinced that bright white line in our twenty week ultrasound (picture above) is a penis. I'm pretty sure it's not... I guess we will see!

One thing we have been working on a little bit is the nursery. I am starting to nest and it is so frustrating when you drive over an hour to get to Ikea to get the one crib you REALLY want and it is discontinued :(  We were told they are suppose to bring it back in a few months, but who wants to wait that long?!
This is phase 1 of the nursery. I have it so planned out in my head what it will look like exactly. But I know it won't turn out like that... hopefully close. Even though we are finding out the sex of the baby, we are still shooting for a neutral-look room. I'm not into super gender-ized rooms or even themed rooms for that matter. I want a serene, calm nursery with a lot of artistic things in it (lots of ETSY). This is one place I CANNOT wait to spend a lot of time in :)