How far along? 26 Weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 13-14 lbs... Which I'm pretty sure is mostly in my ass.
Maternity clothes? I bought a ton last weekend. I still feel like I need to grow into some. I found that I REALLY, really dislike rouched side shirts.
Stretch marks? No sign in sight!
Sleep: What is that again?
Movement: I swear all this girl does is party.
Food cravings: Still always want fruit.
Labor Signs: Tons of Braxton Hicks!
Belly Button in or out? Half in, half out... Yea, it looks funny.
Wedding rings on or off? On. I haven't swelled up at all... Yet.
What I miss: Being able to control my weight. Oh, and beer.
What I am looking forward to: Putting more of the nursery together and finishing our cabinets in the kitchen. The things that make me happy :)
Weekly Wisdom: The more I work out = the more energy I have = the better I feel.
Milestones: I officially need help to get off the ground, or a push to get off the couch. Ugh.
Please excuse my lazy 26 week photo. I forgot I didn't take one today and we just got back from taking our pups for a walk.
By the way, my belly has felt HUGE all day! I was told there was a itty, bitty girl in there... but now, I'm not so sure ;)
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